Return Policy
Cancellation and Return Policy
You may cancel your order for a full refund up until the time you receive your shipment confirmation email with tracking information. If you cancel after your order has been sent you are responsible for the return shipping fee. In addition, the original shipping fee we incurred to send the bike to you will not be refunded (even when ‘free’ shipping is advertised)
You can return your purchased item for a period of 14 days from the date of your purchase. In order to process a return, you must email us at: You are solely responsible for returning the item to suppliers at the mutually agreed upon return location determined when you process the return. You are solely responsible for any and all shipping and handling charges and you will be charged a 15% restocking fee upon Fold n’ Go Bike's receipt of the item. Fold n' Go Bikes will not issue a credit until it is in possession of the returned item.
Fold n' Go Bikes will charge a client an additional 15% in case the return item is damaged by the client’s use and/or is not in the original package.
Refunds will be issued within 2-3 weeks of the company’s receipt of the returned item. Most refunds are fully refunded within 5 days after we receive and process the client’s return.
If the order arrives damaged/missing items, you have a 48 hours period to send us pictures and contact us for returns. Once that time period is over, we cannot be held responsible